Marine carpet isn’t only used on boats! It’s a staple for pontoons and many gangways also. It’s hard-wearing, easy to apply, affordable, and available in a range of colours. Moreover, it is easy to replace after years of wear and tear.
If you read our last blog post, then you’ll know there are many good reasons to have your pontoon or gangway recarpeted with new marine carpet. We’ll often have customers that change their gangway from timber flooring to aluminium covered in marine carpet because it’s just that good.
If you’re considering having your pontoon recarpeted or interested in learning more about the marine carpet we use for our pontoons and gangways, this article is for you. I’ve compiled the most commonly asked questions so you can find the answers in one convenient location.
What is the best flooring for a pontoon?
There really is only one flooring option for a pontoon; marine carpet. Our pontoon’s feature a 125mm thick concrete deck, which needs to be covered to ensure safety. Marine carpet provides the perfect flooring solution; it offers excellent non-slip properties, dries quickly, is easy to wash, and has UV stabilising properties.
At Micks Marine Maintenance, we rely on high-quality Bautex Crusader marine carpet for our pontoons and offer it as an option for our gangways as well. This marine carpet, as with many, is made from polypropylene. It has a soft velour finish and provides excellent durability and performance.
How much does it cost to recarpet a pontoon?
The cost to recarpet a pontoon will vary based on the state of the existing carpet and adhesive (how long will take to remove and how long it will then take to prep the surface for the new carpet) and of course, the size of the pontoon.
The cost of the carpet alone also varies depending on the quality of the marine carpet and the supplier. The better the quality, the longer your carpet will last. Our preferred marine carpet is UV stabilised and backed by a 2-year manufacturers limited outdoor warranty.
Contact us if you would like a no-obligation quote to recarpet your pontoon or gangway.
What is the difference between outdoor carpet and marine carpet?
While outdoor carpet and marine carpet are similar, they are two separate products. Outdoor carpet can be used in a range of outdoor applications including decks, patios, caravans, rumpus rooms etc.
Marine carpet, while it can also be used for such applications, it is specifically designed to provide better longevity in marine environments. It will likely have better backing, be available in different weights, and be thicker, plusher. It’s also sewn differently from standard outdoor carpet; the threads are not looped to the backing which helps prevent fishing hooks from catching.
Our preferred Crusader marine carpet features an SBR latex backing, 600grm/m2 fibre weight, and 7mm nominal thickness and originates from The Netherlands.
Is Marine carpet waterproof?
Marine carpet is made from synthetic fibres which repel water and moisture. Therefore, less water will be absorbed through the backing to the subsurface.
Unlike regular carpet, marine carpet will not draw moisture into it, and the fibres will not rot. High-grade marine carpet like the carpet we use will also be stain resistant. Therefore, if you do happen to spill a drink or a bucket of fish guts on your pontoon, it can easily be hosed away without absorbing into the carpet or leaving a stain.
What do you stick Marine carpet down with?
There are plenty of marine carpet adhesives on the market, all touting to be the best. However, we recommend you talk to your carpet supplier to find the correct adhesive for your application.
For our Bautex Crusader, we use Roberts 6037 adhesive.
Why have a pontoon without marine carpet? Simply put, it’s the better flooring solution for marine environments because of its anti-slip, moisture-resistant, stain-resistant properties and appearance. Marine carpet offers excellent value for money and is easy to remove and reapply after years of wear. While it is similar to outdoor carpet, marine carpet is specifically designed for wet areas, and is, therefore, higher in quality and is a better solution for the marine environment.
Many marine adhesives are suitable for marine carpet, but it’s always best to refer to the supplier to ensure the correct product is applied to ensure longevity is achieved.
If your pontoon needs recarpeting or you’re interested in changing your gangway from timber to aluminium and carpet, give us a call. We’re pontoon experts and can transform your pontoon or gangway with new marine carpet in a little as a day.
Visit our Gangway & Pontoon Recarpeting page for more information or call 0431 778 468.