Whether you own a boat, jet ski, PWC, or you simply love to fish, there’s only one accessory needed to to make your waterfront home complete; that is, a floating dock.
If you’re searching for floating dock sales on the Gold Coast, then you will know that, like most things, you have options. Options can present feelings of indecisiveness, confusion, and often complicate things so much so, that the entire idea is moved to the “too hard” basket. Don’t let your floating dock desire end up there – you will be kicking yourself if you do.
Floating dock sales on the Gold Coast may present all these feelings, but they can easily be avoided with a little background knowledge and by simply speaking with us here at Micks Marine Maintenance.
Thus, to help make the process of buying a floating dock clear and understandable, I thought I would provide you with a simple expectation guide.
Expect to be asked the width of your water frontage
One of the most crucial – and also overlooked – factors to consider when exploring floating dock sales on the Gold Coast is the width of your water frontage. Why is this a factor? Because floating docks are limited in size by the width of your water frontage, which in effect, stipulates the size of the boat that may be moored to the dock.
Take the measurement of your overall water frontage and times it by 65%. For example, if your frontage is 12 mt, it would be 12 x 56% = 7.8. The maximum floating dock size allowed would be 7.8 mt long.
Expect to be asked the size of your boat (if applicable)
As mentioned above, the size of the floating dock will stipulate the maximum size boat that may be mored to the dock. Therefore, if you have a small water frontage and a massive boat, then a floating dock or pontoon may not even be an option – you may have to moor your boat at a marina.
Expect to be asked your location and water conditions
You should also expect to be asked about your location and water conditions. The Gold Coast is home to many waterfront suburbs; some are on canals and rivers and have calm waters, while others are closer to the seaway and experience rougher conditions. This really makes a difference when investigating dock sales on the Gold Coast.
Don’t worry. You don’t have to know specifics about the water conditions; a good floating dock supplier/installer, such as Mick Marine Maintenance, will know the conditions of your local waterways. But in general terms, locations with calmer waterways can choose any type of floating dock, while those with rough waterways are better suited to floating docks which are secured by marine piles.
Expect to be asked about your intended application of the floating dock
Lastly, you should also expect to be asked about your intended application of the floating dock. Are you using it purely to moor a boat? Or perhaps you have a jet ski or PWC as well. And, if you intend to fish off the floating dock, this also matters. Why? Because there are many floating dock accessories available, in the market and here at Micks Marine Maintenance, that should be discussed in the sales process.
A floating dock is a necessity to experience the very best in waterfront living. However, searching for floating dock sales on the Gold Coast can lead to feeling indecisive, and confused, and can often be so complicated that the idea is pushed aside and never comes to fruition. This needn’t be the case.
By expecting to be asked the width of your waterfront, your location and water conditions, your intended application of the floating dock, and the size of your boat (if applicable), you can arm yourself with all the information needed to make the process straightforward and hassle-free.
For floating dock sales on the Gold Coast, look no further than Micks Marine Maintenance. We can advise you on which floating dock system is best suited to your location and needs. Contact us today for an obligation free quote.